Institutional Spaming is a sin of all the authorities of
communication at the University of Minho. I hate them all. They send
four times the same message in different mails, sometimes twice in a
row, wanting some kind of attention. I get so much spam emails, that my account is close because the University of Minho just say that I am using too much space.
I don't understand how bad communication manager must you be
to Spam and therefore nerve your audience. It seems that the email is a
show off and a visibility tool. They might think if I get too much
emails, I will remember them. It is the old principle of even bad PR is
good, as long as they discussed about me.
Well, dears... I hate all the big spamers
of the University of Minho. Especially the Law School and the
Enginiering Communication Office. They spam me a lot's. Sometimes I
wrote an email back to explain it to some spamers,
they told me is my fault because I have to get myself out of the "all
students" - But so far, I didn't manage to get out and more, I never
asked to come in.
I dream of some governance structure that put to
everybody clear how email can and cannot be used. Two emails with the
same content should and same email twice should be punished with no
right to send any more emails. Second, I dream that at the UM, we, as
researchers, have an email with our own name. It is not smart to
communicate in a name of a number. It looks like the pre-history of
modern email systems.
And that's all. I HATE UMinho SPAMERS!!