Thursday, March 14, 2013

What is the better way to silence someone? The Vatican knows it… Francis will never speak out or do anything

Sometimes I do believe that it is important not to have property. If we do possess a car and a house and so many other stuff, we might end up not possessing ourselves, but rather being at the service of the system that gave us that material items on credit and asks us for to pay it with high interests. To get this money, we need to be in the system and that also means we cannot be free, we have to give up on many of our owns ideas, believes and even nature, to keep it like it should be. And then we teach our children the same.

Flickr/Images_of_Money CC

Maybe this example is just too radical. But when I was living in New York, I notice that you get a lots of money and you get the pressure to spend this money by having some expensive practices, like having a $400 meal. This is paid by your boss. But your boss wants your life, not your working time like (still) in Europe. At the end, you are the slave of your own practices and you live to maintain it. Therefore, you are able to be put under pressure.

And that lesson is also known in the Vatican city. I have a good friend that is one of the stolen babies from Argentina and his story is very strong. It is a story about suffering and human rights abuse with own identity damages forever. How can you love your mother, if you mother stole you from your biological one? (What it is? here). Now some news articles like this article in spanish are just placing the new pope in this story and claiming justice for his support of the dictatorship, among strong opinions against women's or gay rights, and a very very conservatite attitude "old boys school".

And this should be a new hope for a church that,

except their believers, has almost nothing positive left?

Flickr/Catholic Church (England and Wales) CC

I now have my theory that the pope has to have one important characteristic: be able to be easily put under pressure. So, Francis I is a good candidate to be easily silenced if he even comes to the idea of trying to solve one of the Church issues. Like was Ratzinger and his past connections to Nazy regime. The mission in Rome is to choose one that will keep all the things like they are ... probably. If he intends to change it, he is put under pressure with his own past mess.

Imagine that their Jesus and their Maria were on Earth. 

What would they do about the Catholic Church? 


In Portugal, they educate children by beating them - I am one example - I was educated on the most hard catholic schools in Portugal and I learned that all the children are bad and should be beaten - In Germany they cannot beat since some decades, but they do do it psychologically.
News reports of spending 23million euros by buying some flats in Rome in the same building of a gay sauna that even promotes sex parties ads for priests (bbc article) (link for the video: I saw the video ad but it seems is now a private video - here a screenshot on the left - you could see this guy dressed as a priest and stripping while you could read in the headline: Bruno, "a hairy, overweight pastor of souls, is free to the music of his clergyman, remaining in a thong, because he wants to expose body and soul" -  and nothing against they being gay, or going to gay saunas to have sex, just the double moral they have with their own believers). Then, some of them abuse sexually of children, others just support extreme human right abuses by supporting regimes and all of them don't support equal rights for the human being by discrimination against women and minorities.

Now it is clear. They are the own anti-Christ. Their Christ speaks about LOVE. Where is the love on all this catholic stuff? The most I have seen is Mercy... and that doesn't go with love - Mercy is for me a downgrading hierarchical attitude toward others just to shut down one's own conscience.


I wish all the catholics could free themselves from this Roman Catholic System, even if they do believe in this religion. Or just demand for a change. The same way we have to learn how to be independent from this financial system and demand for a change. THEN, WE CAN BE FREE (or at least a bit more) and WE CAN LOVE!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

European Communication Monitor 2013 – Portugal

Já arrancou o European Communication Monitor 2013 – Portugal

A Associação Europeia de Educação e Investigação em Relações Públicas (EUPRERA) lançou a edição de 2013 da maior sondagem internacional em comunicação estratégica do mundo. Os profissionais da comunicação são chamados a participar, respondendo ao questionário disponível até ao fim de Março em Este ano espera-se que a participação dos profissionais portugueses seja suficiente para obter dados isolados sobre Portugal.

Este estudo representativo é já uma referência internacional. A investigação está a cargo de 11 reconhecidas universidades em cooperação com a Associação Europeia de Educação e Investigação em Relações Públicas (EUPRERA) e é patrocinado pela Ketchum. 

O European Communication Monitor 2013 vai ter um enfoque nos desafios actuais e nas tendências da profissão: Quais são as principais questões da comunicação internacional? Com que situações de crise se deparam os profissionais e que estratégias de comunicação são usadas mais frequentemente? Será que os profissionais estão a constatar que há diferenças na comunicação com gerações diferentes, como por exemplo os digital natives? Quão importante é a reputação do director (CEO) de uma organização para o sucesso da mesma?

Os participantes vão ter a possibilidade de responder a estas e muitas outras questões e partilhar as suas experiências para construir um quadro conciso da disciplina das Relações Públicas, que cresce constantemente. Todos os participantes receberão um relatório completo dos resultados e estão habilitados ao sorteio de 5 modernos auscultadores redutores de ruído Sony MDR-NC40 o Gadget ideal para viagens de negócios.

Com mais de 2,200 participantes de 42 países na edição de 2012, o European Communication Monitor é o maior inquérito empírico anual nas áreas de Gestão de Comunicação e Relações Públicas a nível mundial. O estudo é feito por motivação científica e os dados dos participantes serão mantidos anónimos. Os resultados são revistos por a equipa académica de investigação e serão apresentados nos dias 27 e 28 de Junho no European Communication Summit em Bruxelas, assim como em outras conferências e publicações por todo o mundo.

Contacto em Portugal:
Dr. Evandro Oliveira, Investigador do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade da Universidade do Minho e do departamento de Gestão de Comunicação da Universidade de Leipzig.

Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga - Portugal
Email: evandro.oliveira(at)

Contacto EUPRERA:

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfass 

University of Leipzig
Burgstrasse 21, D-04109 Leipzig, Germany