Thursday, October 4, 2012

Is Pinterest "hip" gone? Should we forget it?

Pinterest has kind of disappeared after the huge fuss in 2011. What happen to the people excitement about pinterest?
Maybe some interesting details are highlighted in this article: 

On the other side, if you look at the Pinterest demographics, we see clear a very specific users group that consolidate themselves and maybe reinforce the importance of that tool not only for commercial brands, but also for NGO's. put together some nice highlights:
  1. Pinterest users spend an average of almost 16 minutes on the site per visit (12.1 for Facebook).
  2. 50% of Pinterest users have children.
  3. Almost 70% of Pinterest users are female.
  4. 97% of Pinterest’s Facebook fans are women.
  5. As of January 2012, Pinterest had received just under 12 million unique visits.
  6. Pinterest receives almost 1.5 million visitors each day.
  7. Pinterest provides more referral traffic to other sites than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn combined.

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The interaction within the Platform can be somehow not really going much further, but, for sure, the interface with other platforms like Facebook can open up some possibilities to be contemplated within some strategies. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What was the most popular social network at the Olympics? and why that?

On the social media history, there is a strong tendency to shorten up messages (started with microblogging tools) and now it turned more into messaging visualisation. The users priority seams to be communicate more and quicker.

An old say states that A picture is worth a thousand words. Not new, but innovative, Pinterest creators had this say in mind and since the beginning wined its popularity because it was about quick messages encoded on pictures. But now Instagram has gone further and made possible with technical developments that even the most trivial photo can become an incredible shot. And all within some clicks, saving the editing time that was traditionally done on a laptop or desktop and avoiding the need of special skills. Above all, its about a moment spread within some seconds and with little effort from a mobile device App with other social media interfaces that work well. The dissemination is also high-speed as a picture can activate a share impulse quicker, due to the psychological and emotional components that are, usually, much stronger than a words codified message .

INSTAGRAM wins gold at the Olympics! The numbers speak from themselves. A Infographic produced by the VenueSeen, a social media tracking tool, reached a good visualisation of facts. For example, Ryan Seacrest publish only two pictures that reached 1,47 Million people. Impressive is also that more than 650,000 photos have been posted with the #olympics hashtag, while more than 263,000 have been shared with the #london2012 hashtag.

Instagram was not only used by the viewers but also by the Athletes! And why? It is so easy and quick that even can be done on the way to the competition and only with one finger...

Monday, June 18, 2012

A tweet a day for a good cause

A great initiative from the company Mikamoni ltd, that created the website for that purpose. This noncommercial model enables charities, non-profits and NGOs to greatly increase their social media reach by way of tweet and status donations.

“It all started when we sat down and talked about ways in which people can donate their voices to causes they cared about and after some brainstorming; we arrived at the idea of JustCoz. JustCoz is a platform in development that enables people to donate a tweet a day to causes which they are passionate about” states the team on their website and presents their model: "A message from someone you know personally is 5 times more likely to trigger an action."






How it works for NGO´s?

Members of NGO´s can visit the website and click on the 'suggest a cause' button.  After they have connected the NGO Twitter account to a pending cause page, the text, media and design can be customized. Once the cause has been approved by the team, it will be possible to start using it to broadcast and to invite news people to donate. The service is for free.

How it works for users?

Users click the “Donate a Tweet a day” button on a cause page on website. Donating a tweet means agreeing to automatically relay a message for a specific cause. This means a message will be sent through the users Twitter account with the content chosen by the cause. This is done automatically and does not require ongoing intervention the service has a strict limit of one message per day per cause.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Attention: This part is not a pure exercise of Philosophy, or a shabby PR trick. I am just trying to give you a flavor of who I am. Because this is for me a kind of close (e-)talk, I am happy that you help to shape this part of the blog. Just tell me what you would like to know and what you would prefer not to... It will be taken into consideration.

Evandro, means good man in old Greek language, and this is probably the most tiny characteristic that also contributes for me to be a truly European citizen, committed to be part of the social and political life. Despite I was born in Porto, Portugal; I lived in six European Countries, speak seven European languages and therefore I just feel that I am part of this amazing world.

Since soon I have been a natural born activist. Early at the school and the community - later at the giant Greenpeace International, and at the effective global movement - and now just a bit everyday, by myself. I love to travel and to meet people. I am a man with passions... lot´s of them. But I do feel like I have time to keep all of them happy. In this space, I will bring some again back to life, or make them more public by publishing some content about it!

At my work, that is one of my passions, I am an International Experience Communications, PR and Media Relations Consultant that have been supporting NGO´s, companies and governmental organisations on developing and implementing international communications strategies and campaigns, including integrated cross media campaigns and social media strategies.

Among others, I worked for the European Space Agency, Greenpeace, European Comission, UNICEF, Amnesty International,, Pay Pal, MFG -  Public Innovation agency for ICT and Media, German Ministry of Finance and Economics of the State of Baden-Württemberg, AirBerlin, CIF and SER+. Having solid jornalistic background, I free-lanced for various Neswpapers, Televisions, Magazines, Radio and News Agencies. Besides,  worked for organisations like Fujitsu Services, NetApp, Det Norske Veritas and KPN-Dutch Telekom.

It was great fun to cross the Atlantic to give direction and leadership to the Creative Staff for International communications and marketing projects of major international customers in 2010 for QuadrigaArt Agency in New York and Washington; and in Amsterdam and Paris. In 2011, I decided to do some academic research on strategic communication and new media, submiting a Master Thesis on "Strategic Integrated Communication in non-profit organizations for citizen participation, activism and campaigns for changes" to the University of Minho, liked and approved by the acadamic folks that just awarded me,with distinction, the M.Sc title - Master of Science in Communication: Public Relations and Advertisment.

Besides, I have been gest speaker at various international events and have been giving trainings, workshops and webinars on social media and strategic communication issues, like at the  Worshop “The Dialogue Imperative. Trends and challenges in strategic and organizational communication”, organised by the ECREA - European Communication Research and Education Association, or the event  Social Media in the European Political Communication.